Covid 19 Pandemic
31-03-2020 | News | Arthur FogartyI want to keep you updated with the actions that Lamrocks is taking to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our clients and staff whilst still providing the essential service that our clients require during this time.
Lamrocks is observing the important preventative measures announced in the National Health plan to slow the spread of the virus including of course, the handwashing, sanitising all areas, wiping down all surfaces and areas where clients and staff work and meet whilst maintaining strict social distancing.
At this time for the protection of our clients and our staff we have closed the reception area. LAMROCKS REMAINS OPEN FOR BUSINESS. If you need assistance, please contact us by phone (02 47315688) or email (
The majority of our staff are now working remotely and with the benefit of our investment in technology we will continue to provide all legal services to our clients. Some challenges have presented with social distancing. The Federal and State Government have passed legislation to overcome most of these challenges to ensure continuity of service.
With our investment in Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business and with Zoom capabilities we can offer our clients state of the art video meeting and conferencing.
At this stage, depending upon Government recommendations, we can provide face-toface consultations with our solicitors with a guarantee that you will always never be closer than 2 metres from our staff. Of course, in such circumstances, to ensure the health of all involved, those meetings cannot occur if any of the following applies:
- Have travelled internationally and/or domestically within the past 14 days, or live with someone who has returned from international or domestic travels within the past fortnight; and/or
- Be currently showing respiratory symptoms such as a sore throat, cough or runny nose, in conjunction with a fever.
Please contact Lamrocks if you need assistance.
A J Fogarty
Managing Director/Solicitor